October 19-22, 2021 Virtual Meeting Presentation Slides


Registered attendees will receive links to register for session recordings about a week after the meeting ends.  Once your registration has been approved, you'll receive the recording link directly from Zoom.  Please check your spam/junk folders.


Tuesday, October 19:

Guest Speaker Dr. Anthony Fauci, pre-recorded (No Slides)

Agency Updates from NIH & NSF (No Slides)

Legislative Update, Michael Ledford, Lewis-Burke Associates

Wednesday, October 20:

Revisiting the Framework for Reviewing Global Engagements

NSF Center for Science and Engineering Statistics: Perspectives on NCSES Surveys and Data Usage

Thursday, October 21:

GAO:  Research Integrity & Foreign Influence Project Updates

Science & Security:  Focus on China

Friday, October 22:

Association Update:  Mary Lee Kennedy, Executive Director of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL)

Committee Reports