COGR works with AAU, APLU, AAMC, ACE, NACUBO, and AIRI to update F&A Cost Reimbursement Materials:
- (NEW) Understanding the Real Costs of Research (Released February 2025, embedded below)
- (NEW) Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs of Research: One Pager (Released February 2025), PowerPoint Download (Log In Required), Guide to Updating Websites (Log in Required)
- Costs of Federal Research Infographic (Updated December 2024)
- Frequently asked questions about F&A costs of federally sponsored university research
- Breaking down the costs of federal research at universities
- Comparing foundations to federal government research support – this document provides comparisons between federal and foundation support for research, particularly in how they reimburse F&A costs.
COGR Resources:
- (NEW) F&A Cost Rates are NOT a Percent of the Total Award (Graphic, February 2025)
- F&A Survey Capstone: Cost Reimbursement Rates, Actual Reimbursement, and Growing Regulatory Burden (December 2024)
- Additional Reports from the COGR 2023 F&A Survey of Cost Rates Available Here
- Results from the COGR Survey on the Cost of Complying with the New NIH DMS Policy (May 2023)
- Research Security and the Cost of Compliance – Phase I Report, Disclosure Requirements (November 2022)
- Excellence in Research: The Funding Model, F&A Reimbursement, and Why the System Works (April 2019)
- Finances of Research Universities (June 2014)
- Additional Materials on F&A and the Cost of Research
Additional Resources: