Joint Association Letter to EPA on Proposed Rule to Limit Scientific Research - read more...
COGR, along with the AAMC, AAU and APLU submit their joint letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing a proposed rule that seeks to limit the scientific research it will consider unless all underlying data are made publicly available. The mechanisms of competitive grant funding and peer review of publications serve to ensure the validity of science and integrity of research even when the data are not available to the public for legitimate, reasonable and ethical reasons. Restrictions related to data availability, such as the privacy of individual health information should not discount the validity of the research, or its findings, and should not prevent the EPA from using credible research in its rulemaking decisions.
If instituted, the proposal will prevent the EPA from evaluating the best available evidence when making its regulatory decisions. Because of this, the cosigning organizations urged the withdrawal of the proposed rule and invite the EPA to engage with the scientific community to discuss how evidence-based policy should be developed to protect human health and the environment.
Posted July 11, 2018