Post Award

July 22, 2024

COGR Responds to NIH Proposed Collection of Post-Award Reporting Requirements - read more...


September 29, 2023

Session Materials Available: Workshop on Compliance with Research Security Requirements and the Associated Cost of Compliance Survey - read more...


On September 27, 2023, COGR is hosted a virtual, interactive workshop to provide an opportunity for members to share information on institutional efforts to comply with research security requirements and how to assess associated costs and institutional burden.  The workshop was led by COGR directors and members of COGR’s four committees.

NSTC is expected to finalize its model disclosure forms and research security program standards this autumn, and upon their issuance, COGR will initiate Phase II of its research security cost survey.  This workshop provided a forum for institutions to discuss their compliance strategies, learn about the methodology of the Phase II survey, and consider the resources they will need to implement research security programs and additional disclosure requirements.  The workshop begins with an overview of current requirements and the Phase II survey, and then participants joined break-out rooms to discuss how their institutions are addressing certification mandates, training requirements, security program structures and associated costs and administrative burden. 

Institutions that participated in the Workshop will be highly encouraged to complete the Phase II Survey.  Phase II will be initiated later this autumn, and COGR will follow-up with workshop participants at the time to determine if they will participate.  

Questions and topics of interest may be sent in advance of the session to Kristin West at

Workshop materials include:

Session recording (log in required)
Slide Presentation
Institutional Resources on Research Security (log in required)


June 30, 2022

COGR Submits Comments to OMB Regarding the 2022 Compliance Supplement - read more...


April 21, 2022

COGR Submits Comments to NASA on T&C's Affecting Procurement - read more...


May 8, 2020

Furlough Programs and Implications for Financial Research Compliance (Updated) - read more...

Posted May 8, 2020


August 24, 2017

Recommendations for HHS and NIH Research Regulatory Reform - read more...


July 28, 2011

COGR Response to NIH RFI

 Input on Reduction of Cost and Burden Associated with Federal Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (OMB Circular A-21), July 2011.  Click here to view the Letter and here to view the Attachment.


January 1, 2011

Regulatory and Financial Reform of Federal Research Policy - Recommendations to the NRC

Click here to view the Recommendations.


November 1, 2010

Federal Funding Agency Limitations on Cost Reimbursement: A Request for Consistency in the Application of Federal Guidelines

Click here to view the Policy Paper
Click here to view the Appendix


June 1, 2005

Cost and Facility Issues in Conducting Stem Cell Research

Summary of June 2005 COGR Meeting Discussion