Who We Are

Image of person with microscopeLocated in the District of Columbia,  COGR is an association of research universities, affiliated medical centers, and independent research institutes.

COGR was founded 1948, and we remain true to our mission by supporting our members in the areas of research administration and compliance, financial oversight, and intellectual property. 

COGR is the national authority on federal policies and regulations affecting U.S. research institutions.  We provide a unified voice for over 220 research universities and affiliated academic medical centers and research institutes. Our work strengthens the research partnership between the federal government and research institutions and furthers the frontiers of science, technology, and knowledge. We advocate for effective and efficient research policies and regulations that maximize and safeguard research investments and minimize administrative and cost burdens. 

COGR holds three membership meetings and several webinars throughout the year to keep its membership informed of any and all issues facing research institutions today.

Read COGR's Year in Review (2023-2024)

For a list of future meeting dates, click here.

Full COGR Membership List

Benefits of COGR Membership

Job Postings from COGR Members and ERI Pilot Institutions

Interested in COGR Membership?  Contact memberservices@cogr.edu for more information.